
            A few days ago my sweet Payton was part of something pretty darn cool- obviously worthy enough for a blog of its own. Mendon held their 157 year old May Day Tradition. To celebrate the beginning of spring and the crowing of their Queen. About 100 young girls gather together in unique hand made dresses as they dance their way around 5 poles. They sing, skip, and weave in and out to braid each pole. It's a beautiful tradition one I can't wait to watch Payton grow old(er) doing.
        Payton was so nervous but even so she did such a beautiful job. A girl who absolutely hates dresses nor likes to dance in front of people, she did it with grace and pride. She mentioned afterwards that she seen us but wouldn't look our way because she was so nervous. You'll enjoy seeing her focused face in these pictures.
         Miss P. your dad and I could not be more proud of you. Thank you for being part of something so special to our new town. Thank you for reaching out of your comfort zone for just a little while and thank you for being the sweetest you can be. I love watching you dance!
         Thank you to Grandma Marie for making the adorable dress for Payton. I could never get rid of it. I remember the first day of Kindergarten wearing a beautiful dress you made just for me. Payton is so thankful for it. Hopefully your up for many more as the years go on.
        Thank you to everyone whom showed up to share your support for Payton I know she is grateful for the extra eyes and support. She secretly loves being the center of attention!
        Mendon keep the traditions alive! For the readers here is a fun link with more information on Mendons May Day.   may_day.htm


End result all braided. 


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