Payton Marie

My sweet baby girl. My favorite baby girl. My big baby girl. Wow you have grown so much this last year. It's hard to believe that you are nine years old. Nine, how in the world did this happen? Just yesterday you were screaming for your binky. Now you act like your twenty years old. You still have an obsession with baby dolls. You're still the little mommy you've always been. A few days ago someone stopped me and told me how adorable they think you are holding your doll on your hip looking as if they are true babies. I admire the love you share to your dolls. You've asked for the last two years for "reborn dolls" so you now have four cute little "live" looking dolls. Everyone asks constantly if they are real. I have to be very careful when you take them into the store. Judging is real people. But you my dearest daughter I adore you and the fact you don't get embarrassed when people ask you if they are real.
A few nights ago you cried yourself to sleep because your cousin Aria couldn't go to sleep in your bed. You've always wanted a little sister now that you've got your baby cousin you cant get enough of her.
With all this baby talk I do hope and pray you grow out of it for a little while just because your way to much like your mother. Before we know it you'll have kids of your own one day, I just want it to be later than sooner. Don't be like me. Go to collage. Set goals and reach them before you have babies of your own. Learn from your mother!!
Now that we live in Mendon we have taken you out of gymnastics. So you basically tag along to all the sporting events your bothers have and play with your toys. (yes my nine year old still likes barbies, babies, and toys) We are so busy you've been incredibly kind and patient with your brothers and their needs. So thank you for that sweet girl.
You're in third grade now and its been a bit of a roller-coaster. The homework has been the struggle for you. I've always thought it was good for you til it made you dis-like school. I need to figure out a game plan to make reading and math more appealing to you. I'll keep trying and I know you will. I am so proud of you.
Your features are stunning, your hair is long, your fingers and toes are long, and your so tall. Your bigger than Royce even. You're a beautiful young lady.
The year has been slow and boring for you. But I do want you to remember how important you are and how much you've learned. You've come a long ways in your nine years of life.
Both your mom and dad love you so much. And as dad would say "I love you more"
Keep growing, learning, and loving! And happiest birdthay sweety pie. May all your wishes and dreams come true.

With so much love.


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