Dear diary.....
May 2018
One day I hope my children look back and say “Mom did an ok job.” Today I failed one of my kids by missing their End of the Year Program. Yesterday Mason reminded me so many times not to miss his program that I actually got upset saying “Mason I won’t forget!!” (in my firm mom voice). He had practiced his part and was so excited to show me. This was extremely important to Mason. Not only was it the end of the year program for Mason it was Royces first science fair. Royce required a bit more help, as I anticipated. The fair ran 1-2. Masons was 1:40-2:20. I helped Royce and was so proud while watching him. I was so caught up in the fair I completely forgot about Mason. School ended and guess who is walking down the hall eyes filled with tears. I asked what’s wrong and he then reminded me. I broke down. I have never missed a single event for my children. Ok there was ONE other time and yes I bawled then as well. I hurried to his classroom asking for his teacher to email me any video she had gotten and broke down. Yes folks. I broke down ugly cry and all. I have never felt more awful than I did today. I held Mason and bawled with him. Some people say the third child is the least noticed. Not mine. Mason I see you and I love you so much. I am so sorry for missing your program. I am so proud of you for being so brave with out Mom there watching. I know you did a great job because you’re a great kid. You’ve done perfectly this year. Thank you for forgiving me after cuddles, talks, and playing soccer. I hope you know mom will always try her very best to be there for you!
One day I hope my children look back and say “Mom did an ok job.” Today I failed one of my kids by missing their End of the Year Program. Yesterday Mason reminded me so many times not to miss his program that I actually got upset saying “Mason I won’t forget!!” (in my firm mom voice). He had practiced his part and was so excited to show me. This was extremely important to Mason. Not only was it the end of the year program for Mason it was Royces first science fair. Royce required a bit more help, as I anticipated. The fair ran 1-2. Masons was 1:40-2:20. I helped Royce and was so proud while watching him. I was so caught up in the fair I completely forgot about Mason. School ended and guess who is walking down the hall eyes filled with tears. I asked what’s wrong and he then reminded me. I broke down. I have never missed a single event for my children. Ok there was ONE other time and yes I bawled then as well. I hurried to his classroom asking for his teacher to email me any video she had gotten and broke down. Yes folks. I broke down ugly cry and all. I have never felt more awful than I did today. I held Mason and bawled with him. Some people say the third child is the least noticed. Not mine. Mason I see you and I love you so much. I am so sorry for missing your program. I am so proud of you for being so brave with out Mom there watching. I know you did a great job because you’re a great kid. You’ve done perfectly this year. Thank you for forgiving me after cuddles, talks, and playing soccer. I hope you know mom will always try her very best to be there for you!
Royce I could not be more proud of you today. You looked like a cute little nerd all dressed up. Job well done son. You’ve completely surprised me this year. I couldn’t be more thrilled for the years to come.
Payton and Gavin thank you both for being my sweet babes. You remind me to love more than fight. You both have grown so much the last year. I can’t wait to see how far you go!!
July 2018
I started this beauty in May and couldn't finish it because life. Life has some how sped up! That day reminded me to slow down because we are so busy!! Lots of tears were shed, knowing me I cried myself to sleep and forgot to finish my blog! Fast forward to today. Whats new? So much!! First off Royce, Payton, and Mason finished school!!!! All of their teachers were very pleased with them. Along with mom and dad. Kid are so smart. It feels pretty good to know they are doing decent in school. I hope all four of them don't forget what they've learned over the long summer break because who is good at not keeping up on school work during the summer?? This girl! We found out teachers today. All are so excited. Gavin is going into Kindergarten. Mason second grade. Payton third. And Royce fourth grade! Lets nail this year right on the head kids.
So big/slightly old news!!!! WE BOUGHT OUR FIRST HOME!!!! (One reason why I've slacked on my blog!) Dennie and I shopped and shopped for a home to either build or buy. We would get so excited then something would come up financially or otherwise. One day after getting the kids ready for school Dennie told me he was going to drive around Mendon maybe just maybe we’d find something that caught our eye. I was bra-less, no make up, and my famous morning hair but decided what the heck ill go with. We dropped of the big three turned two corners and boom a house for sale by owner. We pulled over got the number and called right away. We were happy about the specs. The woman who was selling the house said I can come now to show you. Don't forget I'm looking like a hot mess. Lucky for me, moms understand other hot mess moms. She to was in pjs (hello instant friends). We walked threw the house I instantly fell in love. This was our home. This is where I want grow old. This is the home I want to watch my grand children in. And most of all this house reminded me of home. In the center of Mendon this beautiful small town most reminds me of Preston and Franklin. My childhood was so good I would be selfish to not wish that for my babies. I want them to know whats its like to ride their bikes to school. To walk to the park, post office, and library. I want them to know their neighbors. We are ready to put down roots and this is where it'll be. We signed papers the very next day. I am genuinely so happy to be in this house that we now call a home! It took 30 days and we were in!! I packed up the condo two weeks early, still not sure if that was a good idea or not. We moved in 30 days after signing a contract.
Looky there another few weeks flew by without finishing the same blog!!!
September 2018
Summer like always flew right by. We have been in our new home for three months and still find ourselves smiling every time we pull into our driveway. We have upgraded a few things. Which makes us fall in love with our home more and more everyday. We added a new family member. Her name is Jenny. She’s a chicken. At first we called her Dennie jr. Thinking it was a male. Then we found out it looks more like a hen. So Dennie jr became Jenny. Unfortunately it’s possible Jenny could be going back to Dennie jr. Why are chickens so complicated?? We love Jenny. She (or he) is my cute animal baby.
We’ve got a few hundred spiders that visit then die. A few snakes that deserve to die for scaring me half to death. Neighbors who are AMAZING!!! A flipping sweet riding lawn mower (adult goals) And did I mention we live right around the corner from school. Just down the street from the city square. And walking distance from the post office. Plus we are around the corner from the cutest greenhouse in town. Spoiled, jealous pick a word it’ll fit perfectly. Dennie has worked his bum off for us. I am so proud of him.
We’ve sold our dream table for a cute simple round farmhouse table. Can’t wait for it to come. Also waiting for couches and a recliner. Which should deserve a blog just for that. Gosh dang I can’t wait for my own comfy chair. Expect a good update on that baby.
The kids started school. Gosh dang two weeks in and we are already super busy. Gavins first day of kindergarten. Royce is in fourth grade. P is in third. And Mason in second grade. So far they love school. Don’t worry that’ll change soon. Eye roll.
Mason started tackle football. Dennie was able to make it to his third game. They haven’t made a touchdown yet. But these boys are resilient. They won’t give up! Mason is in seventh heaven. It’s a challenge he’s willing to work on.... every.... single.... day..... keep up the good work and I’ll keep pretending I love going to practice five days a week.
Royce started flag football. He’s had one practice. Not much I can say about it. But he’s super glad it isn’t tackle football. Also thrilled that I signed up to be an assistant coach. Don’t be proud or jealous, I don’t do anything.
Payton is growing up. Ugh. The other day she came home from school and while eating her food she was covering her mouth and said “mom this is what we do when we eat” OH FUDGE STICKS. She’s me. No no no no. I use to do that to fit in with friends. Nope nope. Sorry Payton that is a bad habit. Kick it now. God let’s hope she listened. She doesn’t do it at home, crossing my fingers she don’t at school. What new thing will come about this year I don’t know. I do watch her everyday when I pick up Gavin while at recess. She and her girlfriends walk around as a small group and waits for boys to chase them. She’s one fast chick. All girls need her running skills. Thank you Jesus. I know she didn’t get that from me.
She and the boys learned about sex and girls mensural cycles. Yes. I said my boys too. The only way I could make the period talk easy was saying “maybe Dad will spoil us that week and we can go get pedicures and massages” she thought it was a good idea. Oh and hint trapping your kids in a car for any and all talks is just a smart thing to do. I am a Firm believer of teaching them young, together, and about everything. Answering all questions. You’re welcome parents.
July 2018
I started this beauty in May and couldn't finish it because life. Life has some how sped up! That day reminded me to slow down because we are so busy!! Lots of tears were shed, knowing me I cried myself to sleep and forgot to finish my blog! Fast forward to today. Whats new? So much!! First off Royce, Payton, and Mason finished school!!!! All of their teachers were very pleased with them. Along with mom and dad. Kid are so smart. It feels pretty good to know they are doing decent in school. I hope all four of them don't forget what they've learned over the long summer break because who is good at not keeping up on school work during the summer?? This girl! We found out teachers today. All are so excited. Gavin is going into Kindergarten. Mason second grade. Payton third. And Royce fourth grade! Lets nail this year right on the head kids.
So big/slightly old news!!!! WE BOUGHT OUR FIRST HOME!!!! (One reason why I've slacked on my blog!) Dennie and I shopped and shopped for a home to either build or buy. We would get so excited then something would come up financially or otherwise. One day after getting the kids ready for school Dennie told me he was going to drive around Mendon maybe just maybe we’d find something that caught our eye. I was bra-less, no make up, and my famous morning hair but decided what the heck ill go with. We dropped of the big three turned two corners and boom a house for sale by owner. We pulled over got the number and called right away. We were happy about the specs. The woman who was selling the house said I can come now to show you. Don't forget I'm looking like a hot mess. Lucky for me, moms understand other hot mess moms. She to was in pjs (hello instant friends). We walked threw the house I instantly fell in love. This was our home. This is where I want grow old. This is the home I want to watch my grand children in. And most of all this house reminded me of home. In the center of Mendon this beautiful small town most reminds me of Preston and Franklin. My childhood was so good I would be selfish to not wish that for my babies. I want them to know whats its like to ride their bikes to school. To walk to the park, post office, and library. I want them to know their neighbors. We are ready to put down roots and this is where it'll be. We signed papers the very next day. I am genuinely so happy to be in this house that we now call a home! It took 30 days and we were in!! I packed up the condo two weeks early, still not sure if that was a good idea or not. We moved in 30 days after signing a contract.
Looky there another few weeks flew by without finishing the same blog!!!
September 2018
Summer like always flew right by. We have been in our new home for three months and still find ourselves smiling every time we pull into our driveway. We have upgraded a few things. Which makes us fall in love with our home more and more everyday. We added a new family member. Her name is Jenny. She’s a chicken. At first we called her Dennie jr. Thinking it was a male. Then we found out it looks more like a hen. So Dennie jr became Jenny. Unfortunately it’s possible Jenny could be going back to Dennie jr. Why are chickens so complicated?? We love Jenny. She (or he) is my cute animal baby.
We’ve got a few hundred spiders that visit then die. A few snakes that deserve to die for scaring me half to death. Neighbors who are AMAZING!!! A flipping sweet riding lawn mower (adult goals) And did I mention we live right around the corner from school. Just down the street from the city square. And walking distance from the post office. Plus we are around the corner from the cutest greenhouse in town. Spoiled, jealous pick a word it’ll fit perfectly. Dennie has worked his bum off for us. I am so proud of him.
We’ve sold our dream table for a cute simple round farmhouse table. Can’t wait for it to come. Also waiting for couches and a recliner. Which should deserve a blog just for that. Gosh dang I can’t wait for my own comfy chair. Expect a good update on that baby.
The kids started school. Gosh dang two weeks in and we are already super busy. Gavins first day of kindergarten. Royce is in fourth grade. P is in third. And Mason in second grade. So far they love school. Don’t worry that’ll change soon. Eye roll.
Mason started tackle football. Dennie was able to make it to his third game. They haven’t made a touchdown yet. But these boys are resilient. They won’t give up! Mason is in seventh heaven. It’s a challenge he’s willing to work on.... every.... single.... day..... keep up the good work and I’ll keep pretending I love going to practice five days a week.
Royce started flag football. He’s had one practice. Not much I can say about it. But he’s super glad it isn’t tackle football. Also thrilled that I signed up to be an assistant coach. Don’t be proud or jealous, I don’t do anything.
Payton is growing up. Ugh. The other day she came home from school and while eating her food she was covering her mouth and said “mom this is what we do when we eat” OH FUDGE STICKS. She’s me. No no no no. I use to do that to fit in with friends. Nope nope. Sorry Payton that is a bad habit. Kick it now. God let’s hope she listened. She doesn’t do it at home, crossing my fingers she don’t at school. What new thing will come about this year I don’t know. I do watch her everyday when I pick up Gavin while at recess. She and her girlfriends walk around as a small group and waits for boys to chase them. She’s one fast chick. All girls need her running skills. Thank you Jesus. I know she didn’t get that from me.
She and the boys learned about sex and girls mensural cycles. Yes. I said my boys too. The only way I could make the period talk easy was saying “maybe Dad will spoil us that week and we can go get pedicures and massages” she thought it was a good idea. Oh and hint trapping your kids in a car for any and all talks is just a smart thing to do. I am a Firm believer of teaching them young, together, and about everything. Answering all questions. You’re welcome parents.
Currently as i blog Gavin is laying next to me sick. Yep. Again. He slept all damn day today. And is staring at me wondering wtf I’m doing while trying to hold my hand. He’s happy he’s getting out of school tomorrow sneaky little fart. Speaking of school. Kindergarten Whoot whoot. I have finally reached a period in life when all of my kids go to school. ((((Cheers)))) I officially have three hours a day to myself. I can get the entire house cleaned. Run all my errands. Do all my chores. Mow the lawn and still have time to pee by myself. Wait til next year when Gavin is in school full time. I might become the next president. Haha kidding. This year I’m hoping to take on walking, biking and yoga. Back to Gavin.... first day he cried and wanted to come home. The nurse called and said he has a headache and a fever. So I sat in the back of the class for thirty minutes. His whole attitude changed as soon as he seen me. Waving after every move and all. It melted my heart. The second day he cried and got over it. The third day he only cried “one tear” and the forth day no tears at all. Three day weekend and now sick. It’ll be starting over again on Wednesday. But I am so proud of Gavin he’s made a new best friend. His name is Rowan. They had their first play date. It was a successful one I might add. I hope they have a good bond. It’ll help Gavin so much. My sweet sweet sick baby. I love him so much.
I could go on and on about life. But I better end before I have to go clean up another puke bowl.
Love mom. ❤️
I could go on and on about life. But I better end before I have to go clean up another puke bowl.
Love mom. ❤️
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