The life of Gallegos

       And just like that another school year has past. Summer has come to an end. And we are off again for another adventurous year. A year of growing, learning, and finding who we are.
The kids have accomplished so much in the past few months. Because I barely remember yesterday, I'd like to write a few things down. To the one reading this, Lucky you! Here is a look into our life the past few months.
        Dennie has been working extra hard as he always does. Working in Texas brings many challenges to our family also so many blessings. When Dennie gets home he tries to work hard with his Army life. Along with work ad army life, family life. All three so very different. I cant imagine having to manage all three. But he does. Dennie was promoted to Sergeant this last weekend. (August 20, 2017) The kids and I were lucky enough to attend. I did the traditional punching his patch on, not going to lie punching him felt pretty good ;) The kids were able to see what it was like to be part of something he has strived to get for a long while now. Dennie was also selected to try the Best Worrier Challenge/Race. He may not have gone to the next level but trying is more than just an accomplishment its a lesson and now a goal. We could not be more proud.
Everything Dennie does he tries to do it 100%. I hope he knows his worth and reaches past it!
        You hear a lot more now days how exhausted moms are. You see videos on your Facebook feed probably everyday about the life of a homemaker.  The ins and outs to cut it as a mom, single moms, working moms, and stay at home moms. So I will spare you the details of the exhaustion I feel nearly everyday and tell you about the good stuff. Like how amazing it felt seeing Dennie teach Gavin how to ride a bike without training wheels. Or how proud I was when my three big kids swam all summer with out a life jacket or assistance. Signing Royce and Mason up for Football. Seeing Payton practice her round-offs and cartwheels. Her goal is to get a round off back hand spring. Watching them grow and learn. It has been our honor raising these kids.
            I do also want to remember the bad times. This year has been an extremely difficult time raising kids 60% by myself. Having to call Dennie in tears to calm me or the kids down. Having to yell and scream at my children to listen. Having to teach them right and wrong. Having to punish the kids when they do bad things. I realize this is normal behavior but I'm writing this down to remind myself that I am still learning. I don't know how to raise an eight year old who thinks he is smarter than his parents. I don't know how to raise a six and seven year old whom can throw an attitude like no other. I also don't know how to raise a child who is so attached to his mother that he kicks and screams bloody murder every time I leave his side. I don't know everything. Tomorrow I will have learned from the day previous. Tomorrow we can do better. My point for myself is to never give up. Cry and cry a lot. Get mad then get over it. Find forgiveness because they are also learning every single day as well. I found myself more angry, sad, and disappointed this last summer than I have in a long time. It has been such a struggle for me. But I am here. My children are alive. We will still continue in this adventure we call LIFE! Times will always be rough but getting threw those times will make us so much stronger. I am Proud of the parents we are striving to be. I hope the future self knows she is doing just fine. And she will always be ok.

             We tried to fill our summer up with as many fun things as possible. This year we bough Lagoon tickets. I think with in two months we went to Lagoon 10 times! Best idea ever, just sayin! The kids love the rides and LagoonABeach. Dennie took Payton for a daddy daughter date they exhausted Lagoon to say the very least. I was shocked to hear about the rides she went on, she road every single one of them! Cannibal included. Who knows what the next D/D date will bring them!
            The kids all did amazing with swim lessons. Royce, Payton, and Mason all can swim in the deep pool. I am shocked with how well they did and do with swimming. Gavin on the other hand he did three lessons out of ten. The seven lessons he cried the first two minutes then sat out. (sigh) The three big kids jumped off the diving board. Royce did it once on the low dive then the high dive right after. He was so proud of himself, they all were proud of themselves. Along with Dennie and I. Those small accomplishments are so big! During summer camp the kids were able to swim once a week so that was when Gavin let loose and did his cute little back floats. He loves to go under the water and swim like the little fish he is. He would have nailed swim lessons if he wasn't such a mommas boy!
        We enjoyed the Famous Preston Night Carnival and Parade. The Preston Derby. Cache Valleys 24th of July celebrations. Camping. Parties, lots of parties. And so much more. It was a successful summer. Now we are into the second day of School! How crazy to think that we have a 3rd Grader, 2nd Grader, 1st Grader and Gavin in his second year of preschool. Not only do we have school. We have Payton in gymnastics and tumbling. Royce in Football with practice everyday and games every Saturday for the next seven weeks. Mason starts flag football here soon. And we are keeping Gavin busy with Preschool. By the way day two of Preschool. He screamed almost as bad as the first day. Today I ran out the door, closed it and listened for a while as he cried. It took every fiber in my body to not go in there. It's been killing me to watch him act the way he does. I mean he just loves his mom so much!! Royce, Payton, and Mason have loved school so far, granted its just the second day. But I am hopeful they will love this year! Their teachers are great, we are confident that the kids will learn so much. And I pray to the good Lord Gavin stops the crying. It's killing my soul slowly!!
             Mason has loved finally being able to go to lunch. It's his favorite part of the day so far. He ,of course, has a new girl friend.... rolling eyes.... I'm pretty sure this is number six now? Sweet little Gracie. Sweet little Mason. Wish us luck with him! Payton is the same little Payton, way to much like her mother!!!  She struggles with school but we plan on pushing her little butt all the way threw college. Royce..... Royce is the smartest little boy I know. Both in learning and in the real world. I just pray his attitude don't stop his learning capabilities. In all, I am one proud mom and I know Dennie is as well. Cheers to a successful year for ALL OF US!

            Stick around for more posts with Football. Royce's first game is this Saturday. We are sooooo excited!!! GO GRIZZLIES!

             First day of 1st and 2nd Grade
    First day of 2nd and 3rd Grade

 Paytons last day of 1st Grade. Masons last day of Kindergarten 
 Royce's last day of 2nd Grade and Gavins Preschool Graduation

First Ladies trip... EVER! Something every parent should do. 

Yes, we still married. 

I finally got him to float a river the the first time. 
We had so much fun we dragged our people for second round.

Daddy daughter date, Mom son date.

Dennie took the kids to Lagoon alone. Go Dennie!!

That Famous Preston.... 

Of course we cant forget to show off the fact we got to see the Eclipse!!! 

And finally those First Day of School pictures!!! 

You have somewhat caught up with us Gallegos folk. Til next time.... Be smart, Be safe, and Be kind!



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