Halloween 2014
We had such a busy Halloween! I feel like I'm still picking up the pieces from how busy we got. We ended up going to four different parties. Which meant dressing up four different times. Halloween day we ended up going to four different spots. Needless to say we are still eating the candy! But I feel like we had such a great time. Halloween day Dennie started his 15 hour drive home. We tagged along with my dear friend Cammy and her two kids, Trevon and Kylie. First was Lees, second was Main Street, third was our ward Truck or Treat.
As you can see Royce was a police officer, Payton Snow White, Mason Captain America, and Gavin Woody. Seriously even being so busy it was so much fun!
After all of that we met up with dad (finally) and headed to Texas Road House for a fantastic birthday get together for Gavin. Jerry, Cammy, Trevon, Kylie, Will, Jill, Robby, Taylee, and our family. We had so much fun getting to know each other more and celebrating our babies 2nd birthday.
Last but not least we had to go around Rose Hill for some Trick or Treating. Go figure there was only one light on. Yep it was by accident and they were so not prepared for us. I guess it is the thought that counts.
Yay for surviving Halloween!
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