A week of dad!

We've been over the moon this last week with dad home. We really cherish the moments we have with him and try to do as much as possible before another week of work starts. The past few days have been filled with so much fun and laughter.  I'm going to miss it. 
Last week swimming lessons was a success for Royce and Payton. They have so much fun. Royce did his first "BOB". He was so proud of himself and couldn't wait to show mom and dad.  A five year old being brave enough to go completely under water is amazing to me. The things the learn and try are just astonishing. Especially to their mother. Payton is learning the fundamentals of swimming still and doing it very well. She jumps off the side. And "hums" in the water. I'm pretty sure her favorite thing about swimming is wearing goggles. She begs everyday for us to go buy her some. Sweet enough tho her teacher lends her (just her) his goggles and she's on cloud nine! I'm seriously so proud of those two. 

Mason is also in swimming lessons but this little fella is one big stinker when it comes to leaving his mom!!!!  The poor babe is terrified, or maybe just being a boob, of the water. He will not go to his teacher happily. Friday he screamed so dang loud I could hear him over 200 people. He cried for mom for the entire 30 minutes. Now as many of you know I'm very soft hearted when it comes to my kids so making him "suffer" so to speak broke my heart. It was awful!!! One lady that works for the Aquadic Center just flat out said "I know it's heartless but you jut gotta walk away and let them get used to it" and as hard as it was she's right. Here is a picture of the poor guy. Taken on Friday (20th) 

He was very unhappy! Look at his teacher... She's very patient thankfully! 
Today (Monday 23rd) Mason only cried the first 15 minutes then was OK the rest of the 30 minutes. One day this kid will get it down. Still mom is so proud. Also pleasesd to know he's still my mommas boy! ❤️❤️❤️
Back in the day one of my fondest memories was going to Article Circle in Preston for some milk shakes. AC was one of my families places to go sit and enjoy the company of one another. Mom would take us to catch some time with her wild children that see never got to see due to us always chasing friends. Dad and Jan dragged us for family home evening whenever we were all together. To this day I'll never forget those memories we made going to Article Circle. And I'm so grateful for my parents making us do family time. Because it was an important part of my growing up. I do wish I was a better teenager and more family oriented. But the only reason for me to know and miss it is because I have children of my own that I never want to spend a day with out! Same with my parents. They loved me and wanted to spend every chance they could with me and I'm so grateful for that! 
Dennie and I had the pleasure taking Royce, Payton, Mason, and Gavin all to Article Circle or milkshakes this last Saturday. The memories were overwhelming!! I now get to make my own memories with my children. 

I hope we can keep up this tradition! 
Another amazing adventure we went on this last week was Movie In The Park. Our AMAZING friends (Hunsakers) called us up and asked if we wanted to go.
If there's one family that knows how to have a good time with your kids it's them!  And if you ask me the best family events are free and at a park. Let alone watching a movie! 
We had so much fun!! Cars 2 was playing and if you have any sense of humor at all. It's a good one to see. We grabbed a pizza and some drinks and headed over to Wellsville. Dennie and I sat and watch our kids play happily. No iPads no phones. Just good ol feet and a game of tag. They were so happy! 

These are terrible pictures. I'm having to take a picture of a picture on the computer. But this last picture is Dennie all cuddled up with the babes. Royce is wrapped up in the blue blanket, Gavin in the purple and Payton in the pink. All three were fast asleep. Mason wide awake and happy! 
Another amazing family day was Sunday. We packed up lunch, the grill, and the kids' truck and go-cart and headed to the mountains. What a beautiful day it was. Dennie successfully made delicious cheeseburgers. We built a fire and roasted marshmallows. Dennie even brought the shot gun to shoot! My kids were in seventh heaven. 

Our marshmallows were the size of Texas!! Man talk about an amazing time. Thank you Dennie so so much for all the help and effort it took to make this happen! 🔥🍫👍
What an amazing few days we had. I lived and loved every second! Here's a few fun pictures.... 
Mason finally learned how to ride a big boy bike!! (3 years old) 
Gavin throwing a huge fit. Good thing Payton's stuffed animals were there for support! 
Say cheese! 
You'll see many of these FAKE smiles from Payton. Little stinker! 
All of my boys fighting over who gets to hold baby Robby. I won! 
Some father son bonding. 
I wanted to brag a little bit about how incredibly blessed and lucky I am. The beautiful plant is from Grandma Hymas's funeral. A little peice of her Is now in my home. The rose and ard are from Dennie. He bought them for me for no reason at all. He's really good at being a romantic like that. 😊 The card reads "There's a reason to stay. There's a reason to try harder and work on our relationship. There's a reason to believe we can make it through this..... The reason is, I still love you... and always will!" He truly is amazing. 
The Wonder Woman is from the kids. It reads in Dennie's writing "M is for the million things she does. O means that she's growing old to raise me. T is the tears she she'd to save me. H is the heart of purest gold. E is her eyes, with love - light shining. R means right and right she'll always be." Signed by all my babes. 
The book is from Will and Jill Hunsaker. They are by far the most sweetest most kind friends I have ever had. They are family. We love and appreciate them more than we could ever show. 
I'm so blessed to have the bubble I have. The most precious life. I don't take a day for granted. 

June 21st our little Taylor Evans tied the knot. He and and his Wife looked stunning. I nearly cried the ceremony was beautiful. Dennie and Taylor have been good friends for a long time. We miss seeing them as much as we use to. 
We wish you guys the best in your knew life together. Love ya! 
Payton. Isn't she just beautiful!! 
Meet Taylor! 
Poor Thomas, he wanted to make friends so bad! 
This picture means the world to me. Look at the love between them all!!! Royce and Payton look like they are dancing. Even tho they aren't it's still a beautiful thought!  
I love them all so much. 



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