Happy 12th Birthday, Royce
What a year! Who knew this year would be filled with so many roadblocks and potholes? Not us that's for sure. We like to think we are simple, honest, kind people. Hard difficult things don't happen to good people but boy were we wrong. We've had some challenging times this last year, haven't we all?
Royce when I tell you how unbelievably proud I am of you, do not underestimate the honesty of my words. In a matter of one year you have seen more, felt more, and dealt with more, than I have in a long time. You are a fine young man. Turning twelve is a big step into pre-teen years. You feel pretty happy about life right now. You still struggle with authority but maybe when you're older and reading back on these you'll be trained by then. Fingers crossed. You simply like to be right. You need the final word and you want everyone to know its your opinion. You argue, bicker, and fight like there is no tomorrow but the best part of you Royce, is that you truly do have the biggest heart around. You are the first to be there for someone when they are hurt. You are the first to say "mom you're doing a great job". You tell everyone good job when you're playing sports. You are the first to high five a teammate when they score. You're front and center cheering everyone on at everything they do. During your birthday party this year you would open cards from family members set the money aside read the card first then be excited about the money. You really made an effort to show that the words meant more to you than the money did. You make sure dad is OK and driving safe to and from work. You still kiss your momma. You still walk around in your underwear like you have your entire life. Royce, you have the most special heart, you are going to change this world for the better, I just know it.
In the middle of fifth grade, March of 2020 everyone was sent home from school and was not able to return. For our family this pandemic was a blessing. From January to March our family dealt with really challenging times both at home and at school. I loved having an eye on all of my kids 24/7. It was exactly what we all needed. Between court dates, anxiety which you never felt before, grades falling, having a hard time sleeping in your room alone, and feeling every feeling on the daily. Three months of hell was about to coast into an unknown abyss. Being forced to homeschool and quarantine, you experienced face masks (still dealing with them in sixth grade), you didn't go anywhere for two months. At first you thought it was great! Then it got annoying more than anything. Teacher, mom, and student all struggled with this new "normal". Royce was ready to go back to school and see his friends again. We all missed having a schedule. You don't realize how important a school schedule is til it's taken away. Lets just say Royce got real good at backflips on the trampoline and Fortnite.
This year is a year I want you to remember. Learn from it, cherish the memories you made. Appreciate your teachers more. Appreciate your mom and dad more. Appreciate yourself for dealing with this difficult year the best way you know how. 11 years old, a year that should have been smooth riding, fun, and meaningful. A year that we won't miss but we will always remember as life changing. A year filled with extra faith, extra love, and extra trust in your close family. Learning how to believe in good people. And never trust the bad. Trust yourself, believe in yourself, you can do hard things even at a young age. I hope and pray this year will be the best yet. Although still dealing with a worldwide pandemic you're getting use to it. I think I complain more than you do! You kids are incredible. Things will always get better! Be patient.
You're playing flag football right now I think this time of the year is your favorite. You really grow when you're busy playing a sport you love. It's true that the oldest kid loves the attention when he gets it. You may or may not show off a bit, I totally understand why you do. We all love watching you shine. Never be afraid to show off, show the world how great you are. Keep doing what makes you happy.
You, a few friends, cousins, and family celebrated at Fly High again for your birthday. You really enjoyed yourself.
For your family party we enjoyed watching your first flag football game then ended with pizza, cake, ice cream, and gifts. You were spoiled to say the least.
Sixth grade!! How in the world is that even possible? Just yesterday you were talking with your lisp running around naked potty training and counting your cars. I tell everyone how excited I am to have you kids grow up but deep down I'm crying!!! I can't believe you are in your last year of elementary school and your last year before being a teenager. So many first you give us. I am so beyond blessed to have you teach me all of the things you teach me. Here's to an spectacular year being 12!!!!
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