Basketball 2016

Royce has started basketball once a week. He is having a blast and learning so much. At his last game I was lucky enough to witness what I felt was incredible act of kindness. One of royces teammates fell and acted as if he was really hurt. The first (and only) kid to run over to him and help him up was Royce. Royce put his arm around him, I assume asked if he was ok, and patted his back. He was genuinely there to help his friend  feel better. I had tears in my eyes. Seeing that was absolutely awesome. I was so proud of him. Royce has learned so much while learning the art of basketball, being a teammate, sharing, dribbling and so much more. I am so proud of the boy he is, everyday he learns something new and I find myself incredibly proud. 

Dad missed his first game so to make up for it he sent a wrapped gift to the door. New shoes! 

Royce still hasn't missed a single spelling word sense school has begun. He loves school and all of his friends. He has learned an insane amount in just a year and a half of school! I truly hope he keeps the love for school as he grows older and older. I'm so proud of you son!! Mom and dad love you! Keep up your amazing work in all you do! 


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