Now that the weekend has settled down and passed, I figured a good blog was a must.
I can't believe I can say I am 26 years old. With a very special husband, four beautiful kids, amazing friends, and an incredible family.
26 years of life, the main and only thing I've accomplished was survival. I am surviving! I've had many many low lows. And many high highs. I've balanced the middle and kept going forward. I have learned so much about love and motherhood. I've learned love is strong and ever lasting, no matter the distance. No matter the weakness it may carry. No matter how much past it has. Love is strong. I've have found my soulmate. I have found a best friend or few. I have found pain. I have found faith. I have found strength. I am surviving.
Along with surviving, I've survived four kids. Dennie and I have survived four kids. Every where we go we are asked if they are all ours. They ask how old are they. They ask how old we are. They say how beautiful they are. And they remind us how blessed we are by saying they are such well behaved kids.
I don't brag. Because tomorrow they will all piss me off and push my weak button. But I can say they are taken care of, loved, fed, clean, healthy, smart and have a good soul. I am proud of the mother I am.
26 years of life, 7 of motherhood, and 8 of marriage. Many to go.
As part of celebrating my Birthday, Dennie of course spoiled me. New boots, new phone, and he spoiled me with a wonderful ladies weekend. When I say "he" meaning he paid for it all.
Mom and Tom brought cake, gifts and sang happy birthday!
Dad and Jan called wishing the best birthday ever. And a promise to go to Wendy's for a yummy frosty.
Mother in law, Storm babysat all weekend. Grandparents sent cards.
Friends all spoiled me with gifts and cupcakes.
And of course all the Facebook comments.
So old and still getting spoiled. The small things are still the best and biggest. Thank you all again for the love.
Rumor got around (mostly because I bragged) that some girlfriends and I were having a birthday weekend away. And it was an incredible one at that.
Cammy, Guilianna and myself enjoyed hours of massages, movie, shopping, eating (lots of eating), some thrilling and a hotel stay. Some might ask why are you blogging about something so silly. Well because it was my first weekend away with girlfriends, ever. I made sure to live it up.
Exciting the hubbys with pretty pjs, they loved them of course, no we didn't buy them, yes we were asked what we were doing in the dressing room for so long! (:
Hello to my first spa day.
(Yes I'm exhausted, so of course I look it.)
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