Annual update?

I'm pretty sure I've become the worst "blogger" ever!! It's almost been a year sense the last post. 😬 What a year it's been! Life is still going on and thankfully we are still in tact. There's so many fun new things coming up I feel it's best to share news threw a blog (like most). So here we are..... 

Dennie was blessed with a new job this year! He is working in North Dakota, yes a 15 hour drive!! Poor guy. But he does it with appreciation and stride. He has a full busy two weeks while gone. Then is able to come home for one week. We love that he is able to be home and be home. The kids and myself love and appreciate the hard work he puts forth for us to have a good life. And a good life we have. 
Dennie is also starting a fall semester!! I hope he can find time to sleep. Busy busy busy!!! Yet he still finds time to look good..... 

Well I'm here! 😉 I've been noticing threw the years my wrinkles are getting worse!!! And learning maybe chocolate isn't my best friend. All well......   

Royce had become such a little man. And being a little man it comes with sarcasm, cries, and yelling. The boy knows mom buttons for sure. Especially the "piss mom off" ones. It's a good thing he is so sweet the other half of the time. Royce has always been my helper. If I need any help what so ever Royce is the one I yell for. He's always watching out for everyone and never will let your requests or needs down. He's my go to for about everything. 
Royce, as most of you know, suffers with eczema. This summer he really had a difficult time keeping it under control. Luckily we are trying a new creme and it has completely 100% cleared up. Right in time for school. Which for his sake is wonderful. Going to school itching and bleeding is extremely difficult and doesn't help his self-esteem. But again I'm so happy and excited to have a rash free babe! He deserves to be excited and happy about life and his body. 
Today August 20, 2015 is Royces first day of First Grade! I just sent him to school and my heart completely melted! My first born baby is now in first grade. Where has time gone guys?? His teacher this year is Mrs. Berry. She's an adorable lady. So sweet. I know Royce will excel in her class. This year is full of poetry, gym, music glass, and art class. How exciting!!  Your mom could not be more proud of you Royce!!  I love you so much. 

Royces second tooth.... The tooth fairy was very sweet. 
He also learned the hard way that maybe just maybe mom is always right... NEVER PUT YOUR HAND IN THE KITCHEN!! 

Payton has grown the most between all of the Gallegos kids. She has just sprouted!!! At least once a month some stranger asks "Are they twins?" While looking at both Payton and Royce. Payton has been such a little mommy helper and a little mommy herself. She talks like a new mom talks to her brand new baby to little kids. Especially Gavin. She will help him at the drop of a hat. She will get anyone anything they need. Dress them. Give them hugs offer band aids and just a smile. Under the definition of precious, sweet, and innocent there will be a picture perfect picture of Payton. 
One look and she has you wrapped around you're finger, sense day one! 
I'm so proud of young lady she is. 
It's a BIG year for my little lady. KINDERGARTEN!!! Now I know I'm old. My baby girl is in school. First day is next week. Many pics to come..... We had back to school night last night the look on her face when she realized her class had a mini kitchen and toys.... 
.... The excitement is real!! It's going to be fun watching her learn to learn haha. She's more of a free spirit. Coloring and playing. Kinda like her mom. School work/homework might be a challenge. But I'm confident she will fly threw kindergarten.
 I love you sugar pants. You have grown so much. I am so proud of you!! 
Updates to come! 

My little Mason. What a big boy he has become. Between being a tough boy and my little squishy he's a unique little human. He's always been my bipolar one. Either very happy and chill or very angry. No in-between. But we are working on it. (; 
Mason has been very busy between learning to ride a bike with out training wheels. (He passed that test many months ago) To doing flips on the trampoline.  He still changes his clothes twice a day. But now learning it's more "manly" to go with out a shirt. When you think boy. It's Mason to the T. He sure misses his dad. Their favorite thing to do is wrestle. They love fighting and punching each other. Dennie is the best at letting him be the boy he wants to be. Rough and tough. 
Preschool is coming right up he starts in September. So plan on having lots of pics and updates on that. He's going to a new school. Last year he had a little bit of a harder time. He needs a more one and one setting. And this is what we hope to get. I'm so excited to get him out and learning about this world. Mason will have a fun year! I'm so proud of you Mason man. I love you!!! 

I don't have any more babies. What an interesting thought. No more diapers either. Gavin's been potty trained for about eight months. He's learning to talk in sentences and it's been the most funny thing ever to watch. His favorite thing to say is "really!" and "seriously!"  I die every time he says it. 
I actually have to fight with Gavin to not go with Royce Payton and Mason when they head to their friends house. He has to be like all the big kids. In his words "go with payt and boys mom". He is no longer wanting to stay home with mom. He's ready to roam. 
Gavin still throws up here and there but it's slowly starting to go away, knock on wood! He is finally gaining some weight not throwing up as often. Life is so much easier when we are puke free!! They say keep  him from stress and heat. So we will do our best to eliminate any possible triggers. So far so good. Anyway as far as my baby being not so baby. Life is good. 

Here are some fun pics taken from my dear friend. Dennie was working so don't mind the missing husband. 

Thanks Ash!! (Of course I look like a dink)



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