The calm after the storm??
Wow it has been some busy few weeks!! So many things have been going on. From weddings to births to date night and birthdays. And Let's Not Forget SCHOOL!! I've taken on a few kids everyday. So my plate seems to be very full!
Dennie's started a new job in North Dakota which sets a huge ripple effect in life and the flow of it. But we are praying for a break here soon. I've never been so proud of him and the strength he's shown threw this hard time. He's been able to balance so much and keep our family strong. I'm blessed to have him in my life.
Like I mentioned I watch kids everyday but the weekend. Aside from all the mommy and daddy duties, I get to extend my love for other kids and take care of littles. It's been not only a challenge but an awesome experience (again). Busier the better they say. And I would agree.
Royce has started KINDERGARTEN!!!! My first born son is all grown up. He's already learned so much and is excited to keep learning. He catches the bus to and from school. Loves his teacher and classmates. I'm so proud of him.
Royce also had his sixth birthday. Talk about growing up! Six years old. I've been a mom for six years, wow!
I love you Royce Lee. Mom and dad couldn't be more proud of you.
Payton has also been a busy bee. She's such an amazing help with the day care kids and with her siblings. She's in her third year of preschool and getting smarter on a daily basis. Payton loves this boy named Austin. Austin is a cute little Chinese boy that Payton has crushed on for two years now. "He's from China" she says. "I love him." Dad wants to meet this kid.
Our little princess still thinks it's unfair that there's only one sister in our family and prays for another sister everyday. We sometime pray for another as well. But til a miracle happens she's the only Gallegos girl. I love you princess I'm so proud of the young lady your becoming.
Mason is getting big!!!! He has always been my challenge child such a tough little man with a big voice. Mason kept complaining about ear infections and always said "what?" I knew something was wrong with his ears after the fifth ear infection in a year. The doctor decided it would be best to take his adenoids out and put tubes in. It's been almost two months and we love the results. Best decision ever for him. Luckily we did it before school started. This way he's much happier for everyone.
Mason's first year of PRESCHOOL! What a difference it has made already. He will speak in sentences and talk to you rather than yell. (For the most part after all he is the toughest of the four). He still has the smart ass attitude and doesn't always listen. But the good luckily out ways the bad. He knows the first letter of his name. And can tell you when his birthday is. He'll try to sing the alphabet. Mason cried the first few days of school but now goes happily. He is becoming such a big boy!!
Last but not least, Gavin! Gavin is finally entering the terrible twos. I was expecting this, so I feel prepared for the challenge and a challenge it has been so far. Gavin's still very shy and wont warm up to anyone unless mom or dad is close by. He's a stinker when it comes to going anywhere. Yells and falls to the ground if he doesn't get what he wants. Kids his age tend figure out how to wrap mom around their little finger. Gavin is a pro!!! But for the most part this little angle is so precious. I get complimented often on how perfect he is. He's my little baby, I don't want him to ever grow up!
I just finished watching 'Moms Night Out' what an awesome movie it was. If you haven't seen it go Red Box it! It's about a perfectly imperfect mom who needs to unwind for one night she does everything possible to make it happen. Turns out the night doesn't go as planned and the whole night is totally not what she expected. In large, she learned that being perfectly imperfect, as I would put it, is OK. The lord gave you your kids because he knew you could handle it.
I can totally relate to the movie!! I do everything humanly possible to be perfect. I have my dishes and laundry done everyday (no I don't have my laundry put away after its folded BUT I TRY)! I vacuum every other day, I organize my kids toys on a daily basis, I clean my floor, mow the lawn and so much more. Anyway my house sometimes falls in front of my children which in reality isn't the way it should be and really it only causes stress AND less time with my kids.
Why do we as moms feel we have to do it all? Having a spotless house isn't important. Spending time with my kids right now is what I need to do and work more on. Let go of the responsibilities and enjoy the beautiful creations god gave me!!
New goal...... Just Be Mom! Be OK being perfectly imperfect.
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